Credential Advice

Find advice and resources to support you as you apply for a credential evaluation and work toward your academic and professional goals.


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top reasons to get a credential evaluation

Top 5 Reasons to Get a Credential Evaluation

Kaitlin Ramby |

higher education canada

Why Is This a Good Time to Pursue Higher Education in Canada?

Kaitlin Ramby |

higher education in the united states

Why Is This a Good Time to Pursue Higher Education in the United States?

Kaitlin Ramby |

Xin Guan Success Story

Immigrant Success Stories: Xin Guan

Wilma Lee |

policy update pakistan

NEW: How to Get Credential Evaluations for Pakistan

WES Advisor |

avoid delays with your credential evaluation

5 Ways to Avoid Delays with Your Credential Evaluation

Kaitlin Ramby |

Ali Khalaf

Success Story: Ali Khalaf Uses His Platform to Help Other Newcomers

Alyona Kalachova |

success story niloufar abaei

Immigrant Success Stories: Niloufar Abaei

Wilma Lee |

Anas Farhoud

Immigrant Success Stories: Anas Farhoud

Marcia Barroso |

valerie sargisyan

Immigrant Success Stories: Valerie Sargisyan

Wilma Lee |

change of status COS f1 USCIS

USCIS: F-1 Students No Longer Need to File COS Extensions

WES Advisor |

refugee leader

Spotlight on Success: Nada El Masry

WES Advisor |

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