Who We Fund

We work with charities, non-profits, mission-driven for-profits, and fiscally sponsored organizations. Historically, few funders have focused on supporting the economic integration and mobility of immigrants, refugees, and racialized communities. Less than 2 percent of foundation funding in the U.S. goes to pro-immigrant groups; and less than 1 percent goes to women of color, according to the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. We seek to address that gap, deploying our own funds and joining with co-funders. We are particularly excited to partner with organizations led and staffed by individuals from the communities they represent.

Toronto Community Benefits Network

Lived Experience

The Fund supports immigrant and refugee leaders and is focused on deepening the bench of leaders with lived experience as BIPOC immigrants, refugees, or as women of color. Currently, we only fund initiatives in the U.S. and Canada.

Contact us to learn more!

Rosemarie Powell

Canada is becoming a more and more diverse country, and everyone deserves to participate in the economy and prosper.

Benson Ochira

I realized my passion, which is working with small business owners and trying to understand what they do in their community.

Andrea Plaza

I never saw myself as an executive director, but I wanted to address the need for adult education opportunities for immigrants in New Mexico.


How the Ellis Island Initiative Is Changing the Narrative to Welcome Immigrants in New York State.
Funding and Financing for Impact

How the Ellis Island Initiative Is Changing the Narrative to Welcome Immigrants in New York State

Subaita Rahman |

The Who, What, and Why of Investing in Newcomers
What’s New

The Who, What, and Why of Investing in Newcomers

Silan Akgul |

Funding and Financing for Impact

How Human-Centred Design Can Create More Inclusive Tech Workplaces for Newcomers

Silan Akgul |

Man smiling outside
Funding and Financing for Impact

Fund Launches Initiative to Elevate Migrant Leadership and Build Inclusive Futures

Silan Akgul |

Group photo of women in front of #WelcomingWorks banner

Our Commitments

Our vision of a future when immigrants and refugees can thrive reflects our commitments to:

  • Invest in leaders from immigrant and refugee communities and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities
  • Prioritize funding strategies that address the structural barriers people experience because of their race, ethnicity, gender, culture, religion, citizenship, and other identities
  • Shift power to our partners and communities and provide flexible funding and support
  • Build a team whose diverse lived and learned experiences foster an inclusive culture
  • Work with external consultants and vendors whose staff and leadership reflect immigrant, refugee, and BIPOC communities

Our Partners

Our partners share our commitment to building inclusive, equitable economies where all immigrants and refugees can thrive, and are champions for their communities and leaders in their fields. Alongside our partners, the Fund seeks to create a community where organizations can collaborate, share knowledge and resources, and collectively work to drive lasting change in the U.S. and Canada. Explore and learn more about our community of current and past grantee partners.

Grantee Partners