Credential Advice

Find advice and resources to support you as you apply for a credential evaluation and work toward your academic and professional goals.


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The WES Credential Evaluation Process Explained

WES Advisor |

What to Expect After You Receive Your WES Credential Evaluation

WES Advisor |

Woman highlighting book in front of laptop

Understanding Required Documents for Credential Evaluation

WES Advisor |

Mirriam Mutemwa Mbanga

Mirriam’s Story: Achieving Goals with a WES Credential Evaluation

WES Staff |

electronic documents WES

How to Send Electronic Academic Records to WES

Dragana Borenovic Dilas |

What is a credential evaluation?

WES Advisor |

How to Send Your Documents to WES in a Sealed Envelope

WES Advisor |

Moving to New Zealand with Your International Education

WES Advisor |

How to Get Your Indian Degree Evaluated

WES Advisor |

Document Verification with Qualification Check

WES Advisor |

A smiling woman works at a laptop.

Financing Your Professional Accreditation in Canada

Windmill Microlending |

An Indian woman studies in a library.

Recognizing the Three-Year Indian Bachelor’s Degree in the U.S.

WES Advisor |

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