
What to Expect After You Receive Your WES Credential Evaluation

WES Advisor | May 30, 2024

FAQs: After You Receive Your WES Credential Evaluation 

Have you received a notification that your credential evaluation is complete? Congratulations! Now you are ready to start sharing your report with your future school, employer, or licensing board.  

After you receive your WES credential evaluation, you might wonder how you can make full use of it to support your goals in the United States or Canada. Keep reading for some answers to common questions from applicants after they receive their WES report. 

When and where can I access my evaluation report? 

When your evaluation is complete, we will send you a physical copy of the report through the delivery service you selected on your application.  

Completed evaluation reports are sent to our fulfillment center to be mailed via the delivery method you selected when you submitted your order. While we strive to deliver your credential evaluation report in a timely manner, please note that the delivery time will vary depending on the delivery method, destination, weather conditions, and other factors outside our control. 

You will also receive an unofficial copy of your report in your WES account. It can take a few hours for the digital copy to be ready after the credential evaluation is complete. Those who have ordered an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) will only receive a digital copy. A physical ECA will not be mailed to them. 

How will I know when my academic institution, employer, or licensing board receives a copy of my report? 

WES sends electronic reports to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and to recipients that have an AccessWES account, or another verified digital arrangement with us. Electronic reports are delivered immediately upon completion.  

Receiving institutions that do not yet have an established digital partnership with us will receive a physical copy by postal mail. Please note that institutions may not review your report as soon as they receive it. 

Additionally, you will receive a notification when your report has been shipped. After that, you can follow up directly with your institution to confirm if they have received your receipt. 

Can I order another copy of my report, or send a copy to another institution? 

Yes! In fact, WES credential evaluations do not expire, and many applicants reuse their reports throughout their education and career. If you would like to send your report to another institution, or you would like to order an additional copy for yourself, you can do so by logging in to your WES account.  

Here are step-by-step instructions for ordering an extra copy of your report.  

Step 1: Log in to your WES account. Once signed in, scroll down in your dashboard and click the “Order Duplicate” button. 

Step 2: For Canadian files, you can choose to order a duplicate Canadian immigration report or a standard report. In the U.S., you will see the “order a duplicate report” option. 

Step 3: From there, you will be prompted to follow the appropriate process for your request. Follow the prompt and then submit your order and payment. 

I would like a different type of report. How can I proceed? 

If you have ordered a Document-by-Document evaluation, you can log in to your account and order an upgrade to obtain a Course-by-Course evaluation. 

If you would like to add a new credential but your report is already complete, you can follow the same process of logging in to your account and ordering an upgrade. 

However, if you have a U.S. evaluation and would like to order a Canadian report, or you have a Canadian evaluation and would like a U.S. report, you will need to: 

  • Submit a new application
  • Pay all required fees
  • Contact our Customer Support (US / CA) who will help you complete your request and also note in your account to reuse documents you’ve previously submitted 

The following remark is on my report: “The names on one or more of the academic credentials submitted for evaluation differ from the name indicated above.” What does that mean, and will it cause problems? 

Evaluators leave this remark on a report if the name on the application differs from the name on the academic document(s) for one or more credentials. The remark is intended to eliminate confusion on the part of the recipient, who may have questions after seeing different names on the documents. It is not negative or punitive, and it should not cause any problems in the future. 

How can I use my evaluation report? 

WES credential evaluation reports support applications for higher education, employment, licensing, or immigration purposes. Thousands of institutions throughout the U.S. and Canada recognize WES credential evaluation reports.  

Additionally, WES is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) and the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada (ACESC). If an institution requires a report from a member of these professional associations, your WES report meets that requirement. For more information about how to use your evaluation, refer to this blog

Already received your WES credential evaluation? Log in to your account to explore upgrade options and to order additional copies.  

Related Reading: 

What Is a Course-by-Course Evaluation and When Do I Need One? 

Why You Should Upgrade Your Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) In Canada 

Opening Doors and Opportunities: The Lifetime Value of Your WES Credential Evaluation

WES Advisor
WES Advisor is an initiative of World Education Services, a non-profit organization with over 45 years of experience in international education. We provide advice and resources for international students and skilled immigrants to help them make informed decisions about education, employment, immigration, and integration opportunities in the U.S. and Canada.

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