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Helpful Tips for Increasing Your Productivity

Thursday | September 22, 2016 | by Kaitlin Ramby

A young student working on her school productivity

Whether you have multiple projects or looming deadlines, it is very important that you work productively. But sometimes, procrastination can get the best of you, and you suddenly find yourself stressing over that test you have tomorrow but have not even studied for yet. Luckily, there are ways to ensure this does not happen to you. Read these tips for ways to increase your productivity.

Create a Calendar

As soon as you get course syllabi or project timelines, create a calendar and mark down important dates and schedule study time. This way your deadlines do not sneak up on you. This strategy also help you to be more productive. Plus, when you know your schedule in advance, you will see the opportunities where you can allow yourself to have a little free time.

Tip: Set up a Gmail account and use Google Calendar so you have a single, centralized place to keep track of important dates.

Set Goals

When you set goals for yourself, you are working toward a target and challenging yourself. Goals help to motivate you and give you a long-term vision toward life. Whether your goals are big or small, they help give you something to strive for, making it easier for you to become more productive.

Speak with Professors or Mentors

If you are confused about something or struggling in a certain course, consult your professor right away. Office hours are there for a reason, and if something is not right, it is better you deal with it as soon as problems arise. Even if you are not struggling, it helps to be proactive and speak with professors to see if they have any tips for succeeding in their class. You may even discover a good mentor in one of your professors.

The same holds true in the workplace. If you are struggling with any aspect of your job, talk to your manager or mentor. They can’t help you unless they know where you are encountering obstacles.

Get Plenty of Rest

Getting enough rest is critical in order for your brain to function properly. A lack of sleep can cause serious cognitive impairment and slowed brain activity, which can have a negative effect on your productivity and overall health. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night, and avoid pulling all-nighters before important tests and projects.

Ensuring that you are productive simply requires effective planning and preparation. Do you have any secrets for better productivity? We would love to hear about them!

Related Reading

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Kaitlin Ramby

Kaitlin Ramby is the former Digital Content Producer and a Contributing Writer for World Education Services.