WES Partners in the U.S.

Through its programs, WES engages with community organizations, educational institutions, and other groups to develop strategies and resources that help immigrants achieve personal and professional success. WES hosts IMPRINT and works in concert with several other coalitions to put research and best practices into action and advocate for public policies that promote equity and inclusion for immigrants and refugees. The program’s partnerships often involve joint efforts to develop and present webinars and other educational events, with both immigrants and the organizations that serve them in mind. The following are just some of our partners in the United States. For information on partnering with WES, contact us here.

National Organizations

Church World Service
Church World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster.

COABE supports the teachers and administrators who work with adult learners by providing knowledge, professional development, and information through an online repository packed with resources, from lesson plans to research on best practices, journal publications, webinars, and an annual virtual conference that draws about 10,000 attendees.

Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education
The Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education is a national network of community colleges dedicated to giving immigrants and refugees full access to higher education in order to accelerate their success as new Americans and enable them to achieve their educational, career, and personal goals.

Based at WES, IMPRINT Coalition is a coalition of organizations working to advance public policies and promising models that support the economic inclusion of immigrant and refugee professionals..

International Rescue Committee
International Rescue Committee helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future.

Migration Policy Institute
The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.

National Conference of State Legislatures
NCSL improves the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures; promotes policy innovation and communication among state legislatures; and ensures state legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system.

National Partnership for New Americans
The National Partnership for New Americans represents the collective power and resources of the country’s 37 largest regional immigrant and refugee rights organizations in 31 states. Its members provide large-scale services, from DACA application processing to voter registration to health care enrollment, for their communities, and they combine service delivery with sophisticated organizing tactics to advance local and state policy.

National Skills Coalition
National Skills Coalition is a broad-based coalition working toward a vision of an America that grows its economy by investing in its people so that every worker and every industry has the skills to compete and prosper. The coalition engages in organizing, advocacy, and communications to advance state and federal policies that support these goals – policies that are based on the on-the-ground expertise of its members.

National Immigration Forum
National Immigration Forum advocates for the value of immigrants and immigration to our nation.

New American Economy
New American Economy brings together more than 500 Republican, Democratic, and Independent mayors and business leaders who support immigration reforms that will help create jobs for Americans today. Coalition members include mayors of more than 35 million people nationwide and business leaders of companies that generate more than $1.5 trillion and employ more than 4 million people across all sectors of the economy, from Agriculture to Aerospace, Hospitality to High Tech and Media to Manufacturing.

Refugee Congress
Refugee Congress is a nonpartisan national advocacy organization built and led by former refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable migrants to promote the well-being, integration and dignity of all vulnerable migrants.

Refugees International
Refugees International advocates for lifesaving assistance, human rights, and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crisis around the world.

Upwardly Global
Upwardly Global prepares educated and skilled immigrants, refugees and asylees to overcome barriers to professional employment. It partners with employers to raise awareness of the skilled immigrant population and increase their capacity to integrate them into the mainstream workforce. Upwardly Global has offices in San Francisco, New York City and Chicago. See below for our state-level Upwardly Global partners.

Welcome Back Initiative
The Welcome Back Initiative is a network of international assistance centers that serves as a resource for individuals who have received their formal education and training in a health field abroad, and who are hoping to enter the healthcare sector in the United States. The Welcome Back Initiative has 11 centers across the nation. See below for our state-level Welcome Back Initiative partners.

Welcoming America
Welcoming America leads a movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by making everyone feel like they belong. We believe that all people, including immigrants, are valued contributors who are vital to the success of our communities and shared future.

Welcoming Economies (WE) Global Network
WE Global is a regional network of immigrant economic development organizations working in cities and regions across the Midwest. The network is designed to strengthen the work, maximize the impact, and sustain the efforts of individual local initiatives across the region that welcome, retain, and empower immigrant communities as valued contributors to local economies. 

World Education, Inc.
World Education improves the quality of life through education for half a million children and adults in 20 countries. World Education’s programs promote individual and collective change: its training programs improve adult education, help displaced peoples, stem the tide of HIV, and reduce violence through conflict resolution.

State and Local Organizations

Arkansas United
Ozark Literacy Council

Pima Community College

Pars Equality Center
San Diego Welcome Back Center
Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System
Upwardly Global

City and County of Denver, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs
Colorado Department of Human Services, Refugee Services Program
Colorado Welcome Back by Spring Institute
Emily Griffith Technical College 

College of Southern Idaho Refugee Program
Global Talent Idaho
Idaho Department of Labor
Idaho Office for Refugees

Chicago Bilingual Nurse Consortium
Richard J. Daley College
Upwardly Global

Welcoming Michiana

Jewish Family and Career Services, Louisville
Kentuckiana Works
Louisville Metro Office for Globalization

Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare
Howard Community College
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Maryland Office of Refugees and Asylees
Montgomery College
Suburban Maryland Welcome Back Center

African Bridge Network
Boston Welcome Back Center
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Global Detroit
Michigan Office for New Americans

Minnesota Department of Health International Medical Graduate Assistance Program
Minnesota Department of Human Services, Resettlement Programs Office

International Institute of St. Louis
St. Louis Community College
St. Louis Mosaic Project

New Jersey
Elizabeth Public Library
South Brunswick Public Library

New York
Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center
Catholic Charities of New York
Cooper Union Re-Training Program for Immigrant Engineers
International Center of New York
International Institute of Buffalo
LaGuardia Community College’s Center for Immigrant Education and Training
Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development
New Women New Yorkers
New York Association of Training & Employment Professionals
New York City Employment and Training Coalition
New York Immigration Coalition
New York Public Libraries
New York Welcome Back Center
Westchester Community College
YMCA of Greater New York, New Americans Initiative

Board of Lucas County Commissioners
Cincinnati Regional Chamber
City of Columbus, Department of Neighborhoods
Global Cleveland
International Institute of Akron
Ohio Department of Higher Education, Aspire
Us Together
Welcome Dayton
Welcome Toledo Lucas County

All for All Project
Change Agency
The Welcoming Center

Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs Office, City of Dallas

Department of Workforce Services, Refugee Services Office
One Refugee

Department of Social Services, Office of New Americans
City of Alexandria, Department of Workforce Development
Institute for Immigrant Research, George Mason University
North Virginia Community College

Northwest Washington Welcome Back Center
Puget Sound Welcome Back Center
State of Washington Professional Educator Standards Board
Washington Academy for International Medical Graduates