Employer Solutions
WES works in partnership with local and national settlement agencies, governments, and employers to create and promote economic inclusion for immigrants and refugees. Our programs help connect qualified immigrants and refugees with the employers who need them.
The needs of employers differ from one community to the next and so should strategies and resources for tapping into immigrant talent. #ImmigrantsWork is a national coalition of organizations that serve the immigrant community and is committed to empowering employers through collective action to develop effective, sustainable workforce practices at the regional level. Following the successful engagement of three pilot communities, WES launched #ImmigrantsWork Phase 2 and partnered with five new communities to co-create workforce strategies across Canada.
Welcoming Economy for Refugees
The #WelcomingEconomy for Refugees campaign promotes the many ways refugees contribute to the Canadian economy and society. The campaign is coordinated by the Refugee Jobs Agenda Roundtable. The Roundtable is a coalition of more than 80 organizations across the country working to promote inclusive hiring practices to increase refugee access to employment. WES is proud to support the campaign through our strategic coordination of the Roundtable.