WES Mariam Assefa Fund Grantee Partners

Centreville Immigration Forum

Category: Skills & Supports; Immigrant Leadership

Amount: USD$100,000

Term: September 2020 – August 2022

Focus: Centreville Immigration Forum is launching Mujeres: Triangulo Ixil, a community-led effort that regularly convenes low-income immigrant women to identify needs, provide mutual support, learn about community resources, and support the women’s efforts to pursue opportunities in employment, education, and childcare and to achieve physical and mental well-being.

About Centreville Immigration Forum

Centreville Immigration Forum was founded to address the needs of low-income immigrants, especially the growing number of day laborers seeking work in informal gathering spots. Centreville Immigration Forum’s mission is to offer sustainable programs that provide immigrants in need with the means to improve their lives and become more integrated into the community; improve communication and cooperation among immigrant-serving groups; and raise community awareness of the inherent strength in diversity.

What type of work will the grant enable?

Day labor centers are a key part of the infrastructure that many immigrant workers use to access employment, essential services, and know your rights supports. Centreville Immigration Forum’s new initiative is focused on supporting Ixil women day laborers in order to address the lack of gender and culturally specific supports at day labor centers for these workers. This program was developed by and will continue to be informed by the communities Centreville Immigration Forum serves.

Why is this work important?

Centreville Immigration Forum’s work seeks to equip immigrants with the skills and supports they need to advance economically. The Mujeres: Triangulo Ixil program provides leadership opportunities and development for these workers. It also offers opportunities to learn about approaches that may translate to other efforts to empower women immigrant workers more broadly as well as other indigenous immigrant communities.