
WES Global Talent Bridge Evolves

Paul Feltman | September 6, 2024

In 2012, World Education Services – long known as the leading North American provider of academic credential evaluations for international students and immigrants seeking to work and study in the United States and Canada – made its first foray into systems-change social impact work with the official launch of WES Global Talent Bridge.  

Our original systems change work was narrowly focused: We looked closely at the challenges of “brain waste” and skills underutilization among immigrants educated outside the U.S.  At the time, there was an acute need for such a carefully circumscribed niche. The challenges facing internationally educated individuals were still largely unaddressed by service providers and their needs and challenges went largely unrecognized by most advocates and policymakers.   

Today, the landscape is different. Today, mainstream advocates and policymakers embrace targeted efforts to create welcoming communities where immigrants educated in other countries can access quality jobs and put their skills and educations to work.  

Where we once struggled to enlist others in this work, we now collaborate with more than 300 active partners nationwide. Just a few highlights: 

  • Our Skilled Immigrant Integration Program (SIIP). Now in its 6th year, the program has engaged 45 communities developing economic inclusion approaches that reconnect immigrants and New Americans with their careers and other quality jobs.  
  • The IMPRINT coalition, which includes 43 local and national organizations engaged in advocacy efforts at the state, local, and federal levels. 
  • We have seen the creation of Offices of New Americans in 21 states and the passage of important policy reforms providing greater access to licensing for internationally trained medical graduates and internationally trained nurses and teachers in states across the nation 
  • And the 2022 passage of Bridging the Gap for New Americans – the first federal legislation to study and make recommendations on addressing skills underutilization among immigrants and refugees – represented a watershed accomplishment at the highest levels of government. (And its recently released report has spurred us to issue a policy brief including a series of recommendations to spur the government to further action.) 

We are proud of how far we have come. When we look back, we know that WES Global Talent Bridge and its many partners have made a real impact in terms of creating access to opportunity for New Americans. Our focus on internationally trained immigrants is no longer an afterthought; we now see targeted programming and policies that have begun to bring this population into mainstream economic inclusion efforts.  

It is with these reflections in mind that we have made the decision that we are now ready to move beyond the name “Global Talent Bridge.” Going forward, you will hear about WES programs and WES policy advocacy, not about Global Talent Bridge. WES and our team remain fully committed to this portfolio of work, which will continue uninterrupted. 

What does this change mean in practical terms? Not much in terms of the work we do, the partnerships we have, or the people who lead these portfolios at WES. We will still be here. Perhaps the most significant changes that long-term Global Talent Bridge partners will notice are to the website and to our newsletter.  

Our new website navigation features a “Social Impact” section, under which you will find separate sections detailing WES Programs, Policy, and Philanthropy.  This updated framing reflects the centrality of each area of work to the WES social enterprise model.  You may find that some of your old bookmarks will be outdated, and you will likely be redirected to the WES homepage or directly to the Social Impact section of our site, where you will continue find all of our work and the resources you rely on.   

And starting in September, “The Bridge” newsletter will be replaced by a WES social impact newsletter. Be sure to look out for the new newsletter and add [email protected] to your contacts or safe senders list to ensure delivery of this new communication to your inbox. 

Thank you for your partnership, and we look forward to many years of productive work going forward. Please be in touch in the days and months ahead! You can contact us through [email protected] and [email protected]. We’re here, working away as always, and we are eager to hear from you. 

Paul Feltman
Paul Feltman is the Deputy Executive Director, WES U.S. Programs & Policy

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