Tag: Economic Mobility

State Policy Priorities for 2024: Promoting the Career Mobility and Economic Advancement of Immigrants and Refugees

In 2023, states across the country passed legislation to advance the economic and career mobility of immigrants and refugees (the recent WES 2023 State Policy Report highlights these reforms). During 2024 state legislative sessions, policymakers have renewed opportunities to propose measures that bolster state economic interests and the economic mobility of immigrants and refugees. Labor […]

Celebrating Immigrant and Refugee Educators in Maine on National Teacher Appreciation Day

In 2015, Nabaa Alobaidi resettled in Portland, Maine, having fled her home in Iraq as a refugee. With a master’s degree and experience practicing interior design and teaching at the university level, she hoped to continue her craft and her love of teaching. At a time when schools across the country are facing chronic teacher […]

The IMPRINT Coalition Submits Recommendations to White House Task Force on New Americans

Last week, the IMPRINT Coalition submitted a set of policy recommendations to the White House Task Force on New Americans to support the workforce inclusion of internationally trained immigrants and refugees. The IMPRINT Coalition comprises 29 member organizations from across the U.S.—including service providers, advocates, and educational institutions—that are committed to increasing access to economic […]

Inclusive Career Pathways for Immigrant and Refugee Women: Building Stronger Communities Through Equitable Opportunities

A confident woman with a radiant smile, Arlene Mora-Rausseo describes her journey from working as a surgeon in Venezuela to arriving in the United States as a refugee. Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, Arlene credits her mother with helping her excel in school and college. In 1993, she graduated from medical school at the University of […]

Momentum for Reform: More than 130 Groups Call for a More Inclusive Economy

This week, the IMPRINT Coalition concluded the #UntappedTalent campaign – IMPRINT’s first national awareness-raising initiative to advance policy reforms that are inclusive of immigrant and refugee workers in the United States. Since September 2021, the campaign has received overwhelming support from more than 130 organizations, including 23 international, 30 U.S. national, and 78 local organizations […]

Advancing the Economic Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees: State Policy Priorities for 2023

As 2023 state legislative sessions begin across the United States, policymakers have the opportunity to promote economic inclusion and open career pathways for immigrants and refugees. Immigrants and refugees have education, credentials, and experience that could help meet immediate workforce needs and bolster the nation’s long-term economic vitality. Policy reforms that ensure an inclusive workforce […]

The WES Economic Inclusion Forum: Building a Future for Immigrants and Refugees in the U.S.

“Investing in immigrant and refugee inclusion is investing in the future of America.” —Eva Millona, Assistant Secretary for Partnership and Engagement at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security     Eva Millona, a panelist at the World Education Services (WES) Economic Inclusion Forum, captured the prevailing sentiment at this gathering of nationwide partners, immigrant and […]

How Nevada Is Opening Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees

Grecia Perez-Rodriguez understands firsthand the challenges faced by more than two million college-educated immigrants and refugees who are unemployed or underemployed in the United States, sixty percent of whom hold credentials earned in another country. Perez-Rodriguez’s law degree—earned at a top Mexican university—and experience practicing immigration law in Guadalajara were not recognized by occupational licensing […]

Policy Roundup: State Efforts to Advance the Economic Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees

The United States currently faces deepening labor shortages in critical sectors including health care and education. At the same time, internationally trained immigrants and refugees have education, credentials, and experience that could help meet immediate workforce needs and bolster the nation’s long-term economic vitality. An estimated two million college-educated immigrants and refugees are unemployed or […]

Promoting Equitable Opportunity for Immigrant and Refugee Women in the U.S.

The 12.3 million immigrant and refugee women in the United States workforce represent 15 percent of all women employed in food and agriculture, health care and public health, education, and manufacturing. Yet even with increasing demand for workers in these critical sectors, systemic barriers have continued to limit equitable workforce opportunity. Of all workers, immigrant […]

Advancing an Inclusive Economic Recovery: Top Five Policy Priorities for 2022

The year 2022 brings a renewed call for policy reforms that ensure an inclusive workforce and equal opportunity for all so that immigrants, refugees, and international students no longer face barriers to advancing in their careers in the United States. Immigrants and refugees make up 17 percent of the U.S. labor force, and nearly half […]

The #UntappedTalent Campaign Calls for Policies that Create Inclusive Economies

This September, the IMPRINT Coalition launched the #UntappedTalent: Inclusive Economies for All campaign to spotlight the need for policy reforms that increase the economic mobility of immigrants and refugees in the United States. The campaign launched last month with the support of 15 partner organizations and has since grown to include 40 additional organizations who […]