Resource Type: Refugees

Going the Distance: Immigrant Youth in Canada’s Labour Market

This report examines the disparity between the high levels of academic success immigrant and refugee youth achieve and the challenges they encounter when seeking to enter the workforce. It also provides several programmatic and policy recommendations to facilitate the inclusion and long-term advancement of immigrant and refugee youth.

Beyond Academic Credentials—Toward Competency-Informed Hiring

This paper focuses on the potential of competency assessment to support the long-term growth of the labour market by facilitating the appropriate employment of skilled immigrants. A competency-informed approach involves looking holistically at an individual’s ability to apply knowledge and skills with appropriate judgment in a defined setting.

A Way Forward for Refugees: Findings from the WES Pilot Project

When WES launched a pilot project in 2016 to assess the credentials of Syrian refugees to Canada, millions of people had already fled conflicts in nations around the world. They had streamed across borders throughout Europe and the Middle East, creating an unprecedented wave of displaced people in distress. Between November 2015 and February 2016, […]