
Improving the Chinese Student Experience

Kaitlin Ramby | November 1, 2016

In a recent report by World Education Services (WES), Improving the International Student Experience, international students were surveyed on satisfaction with their education in the U.S. The report assessed international students from varying regions, including: China, IndiaEurope, Latin America & the Caribbean, the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), and Sub-Saharan Africa.

This post focuses on the Chinese student experience in the U.S. based on the research uncovered in the report. Please see the infographic below, and read recommendations for how you as a Chinese student can improve your educational experience in the U.S.

Improving the Chinese student experience

As you can see, Chinese students expressed moderately high overall satisfaction with their U.S. education, with 88 percent saying they were either likely or very likely to recommend their institution. Chinese students were also one of the most satisfied groups when it came to international student services staff.

However, there were areas where Chinese students reported low satisfaction. 60 percent of Chinese students cited difficulty in making social connections, and 48 percent cited English as one of their biggest struggles. Fortunately, you can improve these areas, so your educational experience in the U.S. as a Chinese student is a positive one. Read our recommendations below:

Get Involved Socially

College is the time to be social and make important connections both personally and professionally. Student clubs and organizations are a great way to meet new people; it becomes easier to socialize when you share common interests. It’s also a good idea to attend any events hosted by international student services at your university, where you can meet other international students who are going through similar experiences.

Making social connections does require some effort but is well worth the reward when you’ve made friends whom you can go to for support and create lasting memories with.

Improve Your English Skills

Becoming fluent in another language is no easy task, especially when that language is very different from your native language. There are many resources out there, from online courses to private tutors to help centers at your university that you can use to improve your English level. For instance, if the English in one of your courses is difficult to grasp, try speaking to the professor during office hours to discuss the struggles you’re having. He or she may be able to give recommendations and even point you toward materials that will help you improve in the course.

Keep a dictionary with you at all times so you can look up unknown words you come across. Also, try using any free resources your university may provide, such as English language programs and writing centers.

Are you a current or prospective Chinese student and want to share your experiences as an international student in the U.S.? Apply to be part of our Student Ambassador Program!

Are these tips helpful in helping you know how to improve your educational experience in the U.S.? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Kaitlin Ramby
Kaitlin Ramby
Kaitlin Ramby is the former Digital Content Producer and a Contributing Writer for World Education Services.

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