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Adjusting to the U.S. Education System
Valeria Gonzalez |
Many students who come to the U.S. to study are unprepared for the differences in the education system in the United States as compared to their home country. The system in the U.S. can vary greatly from other countries, so it’s important to understand the steps you need to take to achieve academic success. If […]

Building Your Credit as an International Student
Kaitlin Ramby |
If you are new to the U.S., you may have heard of something called a “credit score.” A credit score is based on how responsible you’ve been in the past about paying back items purchased with credit and indicates whether you are dependable as a borrower. The U.S. runs on a credit system, and without […]

Learning Job Search Skills
WES Global Talent Bridge |
Searching for a job is easier if you understand that the job search process is an important step in finding employment in the U.S. and Canada. To successfully find a job you are qualified for, become familiar with common job search practices. The following are some examples of job search elements that can sometimes pose […]

Using Online Education to Jumpstart Your Career
WES Global Talent Bridge |
As someone with a college diploma or university degree, it can be tempting to think that your formal education will be enough to get you employed in Canada. However, with companies looking for employees with the most up-to-date and diverse skillset these days, it may no longer be enough to just present your past schooling […]

How to Ace a Video or Phone Interview
Annie Paul |
Congratulations! After successfully submitting an application with a beautifully written cover letter and résumé, a recruiter or HR professional has requested an initial phone or video interview with you. Although it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the prospect of an interview, by following these steps, you can effectively prepare yourself, and ensure that you […]

Networking as a Newcomer in Canada
WES Global Talent Bridge |
For newcomers to Canada, networking is a highly effective way to start a job search and meet professionals who can introduce you to new opportunities. A large percentage of jobs are not advertised, which means that who you know can lead to a number of jobs with employers that are hiring. Networking Basics Networking helps […]

How to Spend Less and Travel More
Kaitlin Ramby |
The United States is a very big country with a variety of cities, state and national parks, and vast scenery. Why stay only in the city where you are studying when there is so much to explore? Of course, traveling on a student budget can be tricky, but with the right planning, you can make […]

Career Changes and Identity Loss
Elena Fenrick |
Immigrating to a new country can open up new opportunities for skilled immigrants and internationally trained professionals, but it can also disrupt career growth. This disruption can cause immigrants to experience “professional identity loss.” Occupation, nature of work, level of responsibility, salary, and stability of work are likely to change after immigration. Adapting to these […]

Regulated and Non-Regulated Professions
WES Global Talent Bridge |
Certain professions in Canada and the United States are regulated to protect public health and safety. The government regulates occupations that affect a large number of people directly, such as those in healthcare, engineering, law, finance, and education. In a regulated profession, you need a license or certificate from the regulatory body that governs that […]

Surprising Pathways to Career Success in Canada
WES Global Talent Bridge |
As the top destinations for immigrants around the world, your decision to immigrate to Canada or the United States is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. After you have moved here, finding work in your field will be a high priority for you. Like anyone entering the workforce in […]

Spotlight on Success: An Alternative Path to Engineering
Beth Gallagher |
Abdul Kader Azzam came to Canada in 2015 with a degree in Architectural Engineering from Lebanon. He had extensive work experience from nine years living and working in Dubai. After completing the Engineering Connections program at ACCES Employment, Abdul got a job as a Civil Estimator with EllisDon. Skilled newcomers to Canada often find success […]

Helpful Tips for Increasing Your Productivity
Kaitlin Ramby |
Whether you have multiple projects or looming deadlines, it is very important that you work productively. But sometimes, procrastination can get the best of you, and you suddenly find yourself stressing over that test you have tomorrow but have not even studied for yet. Luckily, there are ways to ensure this does not happen to […]
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